Book Brooklyn Decal as a vendor for your next event, giving each of your attendees the gift of their very own customized decal made to order in minutes!
Great for:
Networking events
Corporate events
Arts & craft fairs
Comic fairs
Weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, parties

How it works:
Attendees email, text, or Airdrop their image to us
Attendees tell us their color preference and leave their phone number with us
We prepare the decal on-site
We text attendee when their decal is ready for pickup
Image criteria:
Must be single-color
PNG or SVG formats or Illustrator/Photoshop files
Transparent background preferred (white okay)
Decals will be cut in either white or black vinyl (unless requested otherwise beforehand)
For 5"x5" decals, the image size should be at least 5"x5" and 300 ppi. Low-resolution images may result in inaccurate cutting. We are not responsible for fixing lo-res images.
Pricing options:
Give vouchers to your guests/attendees, each redeemable for one 5"x5" decal. Valid day-of only, for events up to 4 hours.
100 vouchers: $500
200 vouchers: $900
300 vouchers: $1,200
400 vouchers: $1,400
500 vouchers: $1,500
Unlimited Day rates
Half-day (up to 4 hrs), unlimited decals: $1,900
Full day (up to 8 hrs), unlimited decals: $2,400
Attendees pay for their own decals: no cost to you
Event organizers split the profits with Brooklyn Decal: deposit required
Event organizers collect all profits (great for fundraisers): deposit required
Other pricing options available. Send us a message along with your email address via the chat box located at the bottom right corner of the page. We'll respond as soon as we can!
If you are looking for a decal quote, please fill out the Quote Request form.